Saturday, August 29, 2015

Halloween Fuse Shaker Card HIMCR #214

School has started for one of my lovely's but the other one is still home till after Labor Day, things have been busy and there for I have not blogged as much. But I did get a chance to make something really fun with my new FUSE tool.
The image comes from Sami Stamps
This card makes me smile because its not a traditional card as some of you may know I like to do from once in a while. I used Shaker beads, and clear plastic to make the outside of the card kind of like a sleeve and then secured it all with the Fuse tool.
Come check out the challenge we have going on at Hiding In My Craft Room.
This is a Freestyle challenge and makes it fun because you can play play play :-)

1 comment:

  1. Very cute card, Lisa. Love that it's a shaker card. How fun!
    ♥ Lena - DT
    Lena’s Creations
