Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Upcycle Tool Box K-Cup holder

Recently my computer decided to go on the fritz and I needed some work on it and get a new fan for the computer. Thankfully I have a very resourceful husband and a Youtube addiction of looking things up and he was able to order me a new fan for my computer and fix it. With that in mind, I got a free box to upcycle. I was sitting at the breakfast table with Big D and he said Mommy throw that away and it popped in my head oh no I can use this. Remembering my Husband's Birthday was right around the corner and he already got his gift I wanted to give him something alittle sweet.
What came to mind you ask?
A Tool Box K-Cup Holder, using the box that my fan came in I started playing.
I measured the sides of the box and front and realized they were 2 x6 and 2 x 4 and cut the red paper accordingly and adhered it onto the box.
Realizing that I wanted to add drawers of different sizes I used the scrap that I had of the red and used it to make 3 different Drawers. Adding White Brads to look like Drawer knobs on all the drawers, inked the drawers with Walnut distress ink and pop dotting them up to give dimension.
I used Grey Cardstock that I had in my stash, and made a handle for this using the Scor Tape to give it some sturdiness. Once these were all on I used the Walnut Distress Ink and sponged all the way around the box to give it alittle more dimension and make it alittle more rugged look. Hey its a tool box what do you expect lol.
Realizing what I had I thought what could I fit in there. Well Lightbulb went off again um K-cups, my husband's favorite coffee is Dunkin Donut's Hazelnut so I bought some of those and popped 6 in there.

He was super surprised because he didn't know I made this, and also the fact that his favorite coffee was in there, along with a gift card for Dunkin Donuts. He is on the road a lot working and its always nice to be able to stop for coffee sometimes and just grab one to go.

Here is a final Shot of the tool box.

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