Tuesday, September 1, 2015

House of Cards Stitch it Up Challenge

With this card I had to think how am I going to add stitching I don't sew.... but then I thought thank goodness I have gel pens. I think it adds a fun touch to this.
I used Krazy Kreations Stickers and paper on this along with some fun colors and papers out of my stash.  The telephone and hello are from that sticker collection and
I used my Copics to color them in. I love this method and don't use it very often but its fun and easy and adds a different way or technique to card making.
This goes with the House of Cards challenge this month
Check out what the other DT members did. They all do amazing work!


  1. Nice card. The link in the list on HOC do not work FYI.

    (✿*‿*) Ma
    Teamie HOC

  2. Lisa, I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't really into stitching! ;) I LOVE your fun colors, fabulous "stitched" border, and all the glittery goodness on this creation! Thank you so much for all your hard work at HOC--you are a treasure! HUGS! :) Mynn xx

  3. Love your bright and cute card! Have a great day!
    Donna N
    HOC DT

  4. oh so sweeetz Lisa
    and lovely image and ribbon too
    I too I used only drawing faux stitching
    Lovely DT card Lisa
    see you soon on my stitched card
    hugs, Monika (HOC TEAMIE)

  5. Cute card! Love what you did with the Copics. Well done!
    HOC Teamie

  6. Cute card, I forget about using a white pen for faux stitching!

  7. Great card, love the stickers and the faux stitching with the gel pen is terrific! Hugs, Barbara HOC teamie

  8. Sparkles! So glam and fab!

    HOC DT teamie

  9. Cute, bright and cheery!! I love the faux stitching - perfect!! jane hoc teamie

  10. This is adorable! I love these bright, fun colors and this great graphic design!
    Take care!
    Michele, HOC teamie

  11. What a colorful, shimmery fun card with the colored in polka dot telephone sticker. Heather - HOC teamie
